paa: P n.m. leg/foot/root of a tree
paa ban.d: n.m fettered/bound/subjugated
paa maal: adj. trodden under foot/ruined
paa yaab: adj. fordable/within man's depth
paar: H n.m. opposite bank/the end/termination
paas: P n.m. custody/regard/supervision
paas baan: n.m. guard/sentinel
paar daari: n.f. favor/partiality/favoritism
pak: P adj. pure/holy/immaculate/chaste/undefiled
pakeezah: P adj. pure/clean/neat
paagal: H adj. mad/insane/idiotic/distressed
paani: H n.m. water/rain/lustre/character/honor
pardah: P n.m. curtain/screen/veil/secrecy/privacy
parastish: P n.m. worship
paraknaa: H v. to examine/to test
parwaanah: P n.m. moth/lover/warrant/permission
parwarish: P n.f. fostering/rearing/sustenance/protecting
pariwash: P adj. fairy-like/beautiful
pareshaan: P adj. troubled/distracted/distressed
pasand: P n.f. choice/approval/preference
pasinaa: H n.m. perspiration/sweat
pashemaan: P n.f. penitent/repentant/ashamed
pal: H n.m. a moment
palak: H n.f. eyelash/a moment/an instant
panaah: P n.f. protection/asylum/refuge
pahlu: P n.m. side/advantage/flank of an army
payaam: P n.m. message
peshaah: P n.m. craft/trade/profession
paighaam: P n.m. message/news/advice
paimaan: P n.m. promise/agreement/oath/confirmation