bi: A prep. by/with/from/in/into/near/on/for/towards
(Always prefixed to another word)
ba: P prep. by/with/from/in/into/to/on/upon/for/upto
(Always prefixed to another word)
baa: P prep. with/by/possessed of
baab: A n.m. door/gate/chapter/topic/subject
baabul: H n.m. father
baat: H n.f. word/saying/speech/tale/news/question/business
baad: P n.f. wind/air/breeze
baadshaah: P n.m. emperor/king
baadal: H n.m. cloud(s)
baadah: P n.m. wine/spirits
baadiyah: A n.m. wilderness/desert
baadiyah: P n.m. goblet/cup
baar: H n.m. time/turn/chance/opportunity/delay/obstacle
baar: P n.m. burden/load/permission/grief/court
baarish: P n.m. rain
baarah: P n.m. time/turn/about/in regard of
baareek: P adj. fine/slender/delicate/difficult/subtle
baaz: P suff. denotes doer/agent
baaz: P n.m. falcon
baaz: P adv. again/back/refusing
baazaar: P n.m. market
baazaaree: P adj. common/low/vulgar/relating to the market
baazoo: P n.m. arm/fold of a door/flank of an army
baazi: P n.f. sport/game/wager
baazichah: P n.m. toy/fun/sport
baagh: P n.m. garden/orchard/grove
baaqee: A adj. remaining/lasting
baaqee: A n.f. residue/remainder/arrears
baalam: S n.m. a lover/sweet-heart/husband
baam: P n.m. upper storey/terrace/balcony
baan: P suff. signifying keeper or guardian
baan.kaa: H adj. curved/crooked/sly/cunning
baano: P n.f. lady/gentlewoman
bachchah: P n.m. child
baHaal: A adj. status quo/refreshed/happy
baHs: A n.f. dispute/argument/debate/controversy
bukhaar: A n.m. steam/temperature/fever/rage
bakht: P n.m. good fortune/luck/prosperity
bakhshish: P n.f. gift/donation/reward/alms/tip
bad: P adj. bad/wicked/evil
bad akhtar: adj. unfortunate
bad anjaam: adj. having a bad end
bad tar: adj. worse/inferior
bad chalan: adj. of bad conduct/ill-mannered/immoral
bad khwaab: n.m./f. nightmare
bad du'aa: n.f. curse/malediction
bad sirat: adj. ill-tempered
bad soorat: adj. ugly
bad m'aash: adj. roguish
bad naam: adj. disreputable/notorious/ignominous
bad naseeb: adj. unfortunate/unlucky
badr: A n.m. full moon
badal: A n.m. exchange/change/substitution
badlaa: n.m. exchange/retaliation/revenge
badan: A n.m. body
baraabar: P adj. equal/even/level/alike/opposite/accurate
bardaasht: P n.f. endurance/tolerance/patience
barsaat: H n.f. rain/rainy season
barkat: A n.f. abundance/prosperity/blessing/auspiciousness
baRhiyaa: H adj. superior/of good quality/expensive
buzurg: P adj. great/venerable/aged/noble
bazm: P n.f. assembly/company (at a feast or entertainment)
bas: P adj. sufficient/enough/plenty
bisaat: A n.f. bedding/carpet/chess board/extent/capacity
bast: P n.m. obstacle/knot/asylum/sanctuary
bistar: P n.m. bed
bismil: P n.m. sacrificial animal/a lover
baseraa: H n.m. roosting/a night's lodging/shelter
bashar: A n.m. man/mortal
basheer: A adj. a messenger of good news
basar: A n.f. sight/vision/the eye
baghaawat: A n.f. revolt/rebellion/disloyalty
baghal: P n.f. armpit/side
balaa: A n.m. calamity/distress/trial/misfortune
buland: P adj. high/lofty/sublime/exalted/tall/loud
billaur: P n.m. crystal/crystal glass/transparent P adj. composition/elegance of style/plan/obstruction
ban.dagi: P n.f. devotion/worship/service
bandah: P n.m. slave/servant/individual/man
bunyaad: A n.f. foundation
bood: P n.f. being/existence
bahaadur: P adj. brave/valiant/high-spirited
bahaar: P n.f. spring/prime/bloom/beauty/glory/delight
bahaanah: P n.m. excuse/pretext/evasion/reason
bhool: H n.f. forgetfulness/omission/mistake/lapse/fault
bhool bhulayyaan.: a maze/labyrinth
be: P pref. without/void of
be aabroo: adj. dishonorable
be ittifaaqi: n.f. discord/disunity
be iHtiyaati: n.f. incautiousness
be ikhtiyaari: n.f. helplessness/without choice
be adab: adj. rude/unmannerly
be i'tibaar: adj. untrustworthy/discredit
be imtiyaaz: adj. indiscriminating
be an.daazah: adj. unlimited/endless
be insaaf: adj. unfair/unjust
be imaan: adj. faithless/liar/cheat
be bas: adj. helpless/weak
be pardah: adj. unveiled/immodest/exposed
be parwaa: adj. heedless/indifferent/above want
be taab: adj. restless/powerless/impatient
be taasir: adj. ineffectual/useless
be tameez: adj. indiscreet/rude/uncultured
be jaan: adj. lifeless
be jurm: adj. faultless
be chain: adj. restless/uneasy
be Hadd: adj. endless/boundless
be Hayaa: adj. shameless/impudent/bare-faced
be khabar: adj. uninformed/ignorant/stupid
be khataa: adj. faultless/innocent
be khud: adj. enraptured/in ecstasy/delirious/senseless
be daad: n.f. iniquity/injustice/oppression
be daagh: adj. spotless/without blemish/innocent
be dard: adj. without feeling/pitiless/merciless
be rahm: adj. merciless/cruel
be riyaa: adj. without guile/candid/sincere
be zaar: adj. disgusted/displeased
be zabaan: adj. dumb/speechless/modest
be zar: adj. destitute/poor
be sakhtah: adj. artless/unaffected/natural/plain
be saaz: adj. without tools or apparatus
be sabab: adj. without cause or reason
be sharm: adj. shameless/immodest
be sabr: adj. impatient
be taaqat: adj. powerless
be 'izzat: adj. without honor or respect
be gham: adj. happy/without sorrow
be fikr: adj. free from care or worry
be qadr: adj. worthless
be qaraar: adj. uneasy/restless/unsettled
be qusoor: adj. innocent/not guilty
be kaar: adj. idle/unemployed/useless
be kas: adj. friendless/lonely
be gunaah: adj. innocent/guiltless
be ma'ni: adj. meaningless/absurd
be naam: adj. without name, character or reputation
be naseeb: adj. unfortunate
be nazir: adj. unequalled/matchless/unique
be wajh: adj. without cause
be wafaa: adj. faithless/ungrateful/treacherous
be waqoof: adj. foolish/stupid/dolt
be hunar: adj. unskilled
be hosh: adj. unconscious
bayaabaan: P n.m. desert/wilderness
bayaan: A n.m. description/statement/account
bait: A n.m. house/abode
bait: A n.f. couple/verse
bedaar: P adj. awake/alert/vigilant
bezaar: P adj. displeased/angry/out of humor
begaanah: P adj. strange/alien/foreign
bimaar: P adj. sick/ill