Words with "te"

taab: P n.f. heat/power/endurance/rage
taabish: P n.f. heat/splendour/grief/sorrow
taasir: A n.f. effect/impression
taj: P n.m. crown/tiara
taarikh: A n.f. date/annals
taarik: P adj. dark/obscure
taazah: P adj. fresh/new/tender/happy
taak: P n.f. look/regard/aim/view
tabaah: P adj. ruined/spoiled/depraved/wretched
tabdeel: A n.f. change
tabassum: A n.m. smile/smiling
tajribah: A n.m. experience/experiment/test/proof
toHfaa: A n.m. a gift
takht: P n.m. throne/seat
tadbir: A n.f. deliberation/opinion/advice/arrangement/order
taraanah: P n.m. harmony/symphony/a kind of song
tarjumaan: A n.m. interpreter
tars: P n.m. fear/terror
tars: H n.m. compassion/pity/mercy
tarraqqee: A n.f. elevation/promotion/proficiency
tarkeeb: A n.f. composition/mixture/plan/mode/method
tasallee: A n.f. consolation/comfort/satisfaction
tasleem: A n.f. salutation/greeting/resignation/submission
tashreef: A n.f. honoring
tishnagi: A n.f. thirst/desire/longing
tasawwur: A n.m. imagination/fancy/idea
tasawwuf: A n.m. mysticism
tasweer: A n.f. picture/portrait/painting
ta'ajjub: A n.m. wondering/admiration/amazement/surprise
ta'areef: A n.f. explanation/description/praise/definition
ta'alluq: A n.m. connection/relation/consideration
taqaazaa: A n.m. demanding settlement of a debt/importunity
taqdeer: A n.f. fate/luck
taqriban: A adv. approximately
taqwaa: A n.f. piety/abstinence/fear of God
takleef: A n.f. imposition of a burden/difficulty/inconvenience
talaash: A n.f. search/inquiry/quest
talkh: P adj. bitter/acrimonious/pungent/unpalatable
talwaar: H n.f. sword
tamaashaa: A n.m. entertainment/fun/amusement/sport/spectacle
tamaam: A adj. entire/complete/perfect/end
tameez: A n.f. discernment/judgement/observance of etiquette
tan: P n.m. body
tanqiH: A n.f. cleaning/investigation/inquiry/issue
tangi: P n.f. narrowness/hardship/poverty
tanhaa: P adj. alone/solitary
taubah: P n.m. repentance
taubah taubah: intj. Heaven forbid!
tauheen: A n.f. disgrace/contempt/defamation/dishonor/insult
taiyaar: P adj. ready/prepared/finished/alert/ripe
teer: P n.m. arrow
tez: P adj. sharp/keen/caustic/pungent/swift/clever
tegh: P n.m. sword/dagger