shaabaash: P intj. bravo! well done! (contr. of shaadbaash)
shaakh: P n.f. branch/bough/dilemma/difficulty/objection
shaad: P adj. happy/cheerful/delighted
shaadaab: P adj. full of water/fresh/agreeable/verdant
shaa'ir: A n.m. poet
shaagird: P n.m. pupil/apprentice/servant
shaam: P n.f. evening
shaamil: A adj. including/comprising/connected/mingled/common
shaan: A n.f. dignity/glory/grandeur
shaah: P n.m. king/prince/monarch
shaahtir: n.m. a beam/roof support
shahzaadah: n.m. prince
shaayad: P adv. perhaps/probably
shab: P n.f. night
shab bakhair: intj. goodnight!
shabnam: n.f. dew
shabaab: A n.m. youth
shabeenah: P adj. nocturnal
shujaa': A adj. brave
shakhs: A n.m. a person/individual/being/body
sharaab: A n.f. wine/liquor
sharaarah: A n.m. spark/gleam/flash
sharaafat: A n.f. nobility/civility/good manners
shart: A n.f. condition/agreement/wager
sharm: P n.f. shame/modesty
shuroo': A n.m. beginning
shareef: A adj. noble/eminent/honorable
shi'r: A n.m. verse/couplet
shu'lah: A n.m. flame/blaze/flash/light
shu'oor: A n.m. wisdom/intellect
shafaqat: A n.f. kindeness/compassion/mercy
shakk: A n.m. doubt/suspense/hesitation
shikaar: P n.m. hunting/prey
shikaayat: A n.f. complaint/accusation/illness
shukr: A n.m. gratitude
shakl: A n.f. form/appearance/model/image/diagram
shikwah: A/P n.m. complaint/chiding
shumaar: P n.m. counting/numbering/estimation/account
shams: A n.m. the sun
shamsher: P n.f. sword
shama': A n.f. lamp/candle
shinaas: P adj. knowing/acquainted with/intelligence
shokh: P adj. playful/mischievous/bold/insolent
shor: P n.m. noise/outcry/tumult/clamor/ardor
shauq: A n.m. taste/fondness/desire/interest
shahd: P n.m. honey
shahr: P n.m. city
shuhrat: A n.f. renown/fame/rumor
shaheed: A n.m. martyr
shaikh: A n.m. elder
shekhi: A n.f. bragging
sher: P n.m. lion/tiger/brave man
shireen: P adj. sweet/pleasant/gentle
shishah: P n.m. glass/bottle/glass pane
shaitaan: A n.m. satan/devil/demon