Words having sense of "seen"

saajan: H n.m. lover/sweetheart/beloved
saaHir: A n.m. magician
saaHil: A n.m. shore/beach
saadah: P adj. simple/plain/candid/sincere
saaz: P n.m. apparatus/equipment/concord
saazish: P n.f. conspiracy/intrigue/collusion
saaqee: A n.m. cup-bearer/page/beloved
saal: P n.m. year
saalim: A adj. safe/sound/perfect/whole
saamaan: P n.m. apparatus/custom/understanding/power
saan.ch: H n.f. truth/reality
saan.s: H n.m./f. breath/sigh
saa'ir: A n.m. thw whole/the rest/wandering/walking/tax/duty
saayah: P n.m. shadow/shade/shelter/apparition
sabab: A n.m. cause/reason
sabaq: A n.m. lesson/lecture/advancing
subuk: P adj. light/delicate/trivial/frivolous/futile
sitaarah: P n.m. star
sitaan.: P adj. taking/seizing
sitam: P n.m. oppression/tyranny/injustice/violence
sajdah: A n.m. prostration
saHar: A n.m. dawn/morning
sakht: P adj. hard/firm/cruel/harsh/vehement
sukhan: P n.m. speech/words/business/affair
sukhan war: adj. eloquence
sar: P n.m. head/top/pinnacle/origin/chief/desire
sar afraaz: adj. exalted
sar bastah: adj. hidden/secret
sar basar: adv. wholly/entirely
sar buland: adj. eminent/glorious
sar taabee: n.f. rebellion
sar taaj: n.m. chief/leader
sar-e dast: adv. at present/immediately
sar-e raah: adv. on the road
sar zameen: n.f. country/limits/region
sar-e shaam: n.f. about evening/evening
sar-o saamaan: n.m. necessities/furniture/luggage
siraaj: A n.m. lamp/candle/sun
surkh: P adj. red
sard: P adj. cold/damp/dull/dead
suroor: A n.m. pleasure/joy/exhilaration
sazaa: P n.f. correction/punishment/requital
sust: P adj. loose/frail/lazy/slow/dull
sifaarish: P n.f. recommendation
safar: A n.m. journey
safed: P adj. white
saktah: P n.m. trance/swoon/pause
sukoot: A n.f. silence/peace/rest/tranquility
sukoon: A n.m. peace/rest/tranquility
salaam: A n.m. salutation/peace/safety/compliment
silsilah: A n.m. chain/series/pedigree/genealogy
saleeqah: A n.m. good disposition/good taste/mode/skill
sang: P n.m. stone/weight
sanh: A n.m. year/era
siwaa: P adv. except/save/but/besides
sawaal: A n.m. question/petition/application/request/demand
saudaa: P n.m. trade/marketing/goods
soz: P n.m. burning/passion/vexation
saugand: P n.m. oath
soona: H adj. void/empty/desolate/lonely
siyaah: P adj. black/dark/unfortunate/bad
sair: A n.f. walk/excursion/recreation/amusement
seerat: A n.m. quality/nature/disposition
sailaab: A/P n.m. flood/deluge/torrent
seenah: P n.m. chest/bosom