saabit: A adj. confirmed/established/fixed/stable
saabit: A n.m. a fixed star
saaqib: A adj. shining brightly/splendid/sublime
sabaat: A n.m. stability/endurance/resolution/constancy
sabt: A n.m. permanence/a seal/writing
suboot: A n.m. evidence/proof/conviction/constancy/stability
saarwat: A n.f. wealth/power/influence
saraa: A n.m. the earth
siqaafat: A n.f. culture
siqaalat: A n.f. burden/weight
siqaahat: A n.f. reliability/trustworthiness
sawaab: A n.m. reward/recompense
sawaabit: A n.m. the fixed stars (plu. of saabit)